The Backyard Buddhist Podcast
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast. I am Ronn Pawo McLane I have been meditating since I was thirteen years old. I have been teaching meditation for over fifteen years. I also practice Buddhist principles and serve as a teacher, mentor and spiritual friend to many. I have always been driven to find the practical thread for utilizing ancient wisdom in everyday life. So join me as we discuss how to bring these ideas into our own Backyards in search of peace and harmony for ourselves and all other beings. I am so very curious about other peoples practices on similar journeys and look forward to chatting with guest about their journeys.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
”What This is ALL About”
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here in the studio alone today Danny has the day off. Today I wanted to talk about what this practice and endeavor is all about.
For me I arrived to a Buddhist practice by accident. I wasn't looking for it specifically but for all the reasons I showed up were the reasons that it made sense to me. It started with a quest to relieve migraine headaches, moved tot a desperate attempt to find stabilization in my very turbulent life which progressed to anxiety and depression. Today it is my understanding of ineffable consciousness and relative awareness that guide me to a peace and calm that is easily accessible.
Join me for this podcast with just You, Me and a microphone.

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
”Dan‘s Big Questions for Pawo”
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
We are happy to publish our 20th episode of the Backyard Buddhist Podcast. We are so happy to have all of our loyal listeners as well as our newest friends joining us. Usually Pawo settles on the topic for the day and Dan doesn't have any idea what we are going to talk about until the podcast begins. Today we are flipping the script and Danny is asking Pawo all the questions. Join in the discussion and email your questions for these fun Q & A sessions.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
”Offering Awareness to Consciousness”
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are talking about the vast view of consciousness and awareness.
This journey to awakening dawns many realizations. First is consciousness and what it actually is, and then through the clarity of that lens we can begin to examine the experience of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations. As our understanding grows, we see our attachment to those experiences and cultivate compassion for the state of our conditioned existence. With this wide and skillful view, we can continually offer up the awareness of this consciousness and our human experience illuminating our formerly dark path.

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
”Finding Natural Awareness”
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are talking about Natural Awakening.
Your own spiritual compass starts with awakened awareness. With the lens of that awareness we see the natural state of consciousness as unstained, untarnished, and unaffected by stimulus. Reactions and emotions are constructs of the conditioned mind and therefore are simply the illusions and abstracts concepts of the ego mind. The natural state is spacious and formless. Within that state of awareness thoughts, feelings, judgements, emotions, and sensations come and go, arise, and settle but leave no trace.
We can transcend the thrall of our reactions by simply seeing those emotions as reactions and intentionally turning our attention to the empty open awareness of our natural unaffected state. This awareness is always there it is never absent.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
”Beyond the Beyond”
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are talking about what it means to go beyond.
Our natural state is beyond the dichotomies of like and dislike. Far beyond frustration, anger, grief, and separateness. The masters have provided us shining examples of what wisdom and compassion look like, body speech and mind. Our inner Guru knows and understands what our own skillful and unskillful actions, words and thoughts look like. We know the difference and can see first in hindsight and through practice we catch ourselves in the present moment and can shift our awakened actions. We all have this innate ability and you have seen it in yourself and others. Slow down, stop and flow in the stream of awakening for the benefit of all begins.

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
”Losing My Religion”
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are contemplating non-duality and what it means for our practical understanding.
Duality can be a tricky business to understand. In the religious sense this can be the dualistic idea that there is a person outside of ourselves that is the ultimate knower. In the Buddhist sensibility our relative being is simply an aggregate part within the ultimate incandescence of the universe. There is no way to be apart from that interconnected unity. No separateness, only inclusion.

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
”Beyond the Big Golden Door to Enlightenment”
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are talking about what is behind the big golden door of enlightenment.
Simple awakened Awareness is the jeweled key to the big golden door of enlightenment. But What is beyond is far more important. This is the realm of enlightened activity where compassionate action is the outcome of this state of awakened being.

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
”Lather, Rinse & Repeat Buddha Style”
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are talking about how we continually work at the practice of enlightened and awakened awareness both on and off the cushion.
It is important to remind ourselves that the bulk of our practice is in reconditioning ourselves. Once there has been a response that we engage with that response to intervene with wisdom and compassion. Continually working toward enlightened action with the super-power of awakened awareness takes patience and perseverance and daily practice on and off the cushion. Lather, rinse and repeat as many times as needed.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
”Enlightenment 101”
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are talking about how Enlightenment 101 – How to find your enlightened, interconnected self.
The jeweled key to the golden door is awakened awareness but it is behind the door that the be-ing begins. You already got the job of being you so own the experience of Your Natural Body, Your Natural Breath & Energy, and Your Natural Heart Mind. Stop craving and chasing the thing that is right here, right now. Just be, Awake, Aware, Liberated, Whole and Complete. Right now.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
”Finding Enthusiastic Passion In Your Practice”
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast where we continually seek everyday enlightenment for the benefit of ourselves and all other beings. I am Ronn Pawo McLane and I am here with my good buddy Danny Hobart. Today we are talking about the fourth paramita, Joyful and enthusiastic Effort.
In its most positive sense, effort (which we may think of as perseverance or commitment) is the delight you feel with doing what you know is the right thing – which, in the Buddhist context, generally means practicing the teachings. Instead of resisting, you dig in with gusto, knowing that you are on the right track. Some texts even claim that perseverance or enthusiastic effort is the most important perfection because it gives energy to the other five.
One of the main obstacles to progressing on the Buddhist path, as in any area of life, is laziness – also known as resistance. The fourth perfection is divided into three parts because each of them counters a specific form of laziness: Overcoming Sloth: Procrastination and bad habits. Counters with recognizing this rare and precious life (opportunity). Overcoming attraction to trivial pursuits: Filling day with unimportant distractions are innately unfulfilling. Overcoming Defeatism: overcomes delusions of inadequacy or incompetence.
Even the mundane of everyday life experience can become obstacles to staying in our practice. But when we find our mudra, mantra and mind of motivation we tap into a commitment that benefits us in unsurpassable ways. In the words of Henry David Thoreau: Enthusiasm is a supernatural serenity. Embrace you own compass and continue each day on your journey to spontaneous nowness awareness.

Meditate with Ronn Pawo McLane
Meditation is one of the most powerful and practical things you can ever learn. It's surprisingly simple - you can do it anywhere, any time and you will see instantaneous benefits. It is as simple as paying attention to your own breath wherever you are. Nobody even needs to know that you are doing it and suddenly you find yourself calming down and more focused. Check out