The Backyard Buddhist Podcast
Welcome to the Backyard Buddhist Podcast. I am Ronn Pawo McLane I have been meditating since I was thirteen years old. I have been teaching meditation for over fifteen years. I also practice Buddhist principles and serve as a teacher, mentor and spiritual friend to many. I have always been driven to find the practical thread for utilizing ancient wisdom in everyday life. So join me as we discuss how to bring these ideas into our own Backyards in search of peace and harmony for ourselves and all other beings. I am so very curious about other peoples practices on similar journeys and look forward to chatting with guest about their journeys.

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
”Reduce All Suffering Here and Now”
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
In this episode of the Backyard Buddhist Podcast we are taking about the root of all suffering and most importantly how to spot it. Once you spot it you can eliminate or at least reduce it's thrall. We often miss the forest for the trees with reactive and repetitive conditioned responses. Don't overlook the key to understanding and eliminating your suffering.

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
”The Heart of Greatness”
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
What makes a great singer, songwriter, author, poet, actor or teacher? Is there a gene that causes greatness? Oprah says that luck is opportunity meeting preparation. So is greatness the preparation or is it the opportunity? Join Ronn Pawo McLane for his 40th Podcast Episode and this enlightening conversation about the accessibility of greatness.

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
”How To Remove Obstacles From Your Path”
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
We all have experience situations that feel terrible and you wish them to be gone. We have also all had experiences when we felt that someone or something stood in our way of achieving something or getting somewhere. For me, obstacle removing was the first practice that I learned how to surrender. In this episode explore the secret of obstacle removal and path clearing. Welcome our new contributor Millie, our new Mini Piebald Doxie.

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
”Illuminating Our Truest Nature”
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
In the non-dual teachings of the Buddha we find ourselves faced with "The Two Witnesses", those being relative and absolute viewpoints. In this episode of the Backyard Buddhist we seek to understand both relative and absolute while accessing the pervasive and ever-present unbiased consciousness that illuminates our truest nature.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
”The Super Bowl of Bodhichitta”
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Cultivating awakened heart mind or Bodhichitta can be tricky and challenging. It is more important than ever to find understanding in the challenges of our life experiences and how to navigate those rough waters. When we endeavor to share the merits of our awakening with and for all begins what do we do about those who have treated us poorly and have wronged us? It's kickoff time for the Super Bowl of Bodhichitta meet me on the 50 yard line.
As always, please email if I can be of help or assistance
If you would like to participate in the 28-Day Meditation Program go to and use the promo code STARTNOW to get started for just $19 (one time fee)

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
”Interrupt Everything!”
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Everyone of us has been experiencing a divisive time of unrest and discourse. But what is causing the conditions that seem to breed anger, rage and violence? How are we unwittingly participating in the perpetuation of these conditions and how do we make a solid change for ourselves and each other? This week's Backyard Buddhist Podcast has answers and antidotes. Remember this moment that change happens.

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
”Cultivate The Change That Matters”
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
We know that change comes from within but we tend to only go looking for the understanding that brings calm and peace when we are struggling the most. Like a neglected garden we show up looking for a harvest when we are the hungriest. My Dad taught me that to have a good garden you remove the obstacles on and in the ground and work the soil, providing moisture and nourishment and planting the seeds. The garden needs tended daily if even just for a few minutes. Then and only then will you have a harvest enough for yourself and to share with others. Cultivating a practice of peaceful and calm abiding needs your attention to bear the fruit and wealth of understanding that reaps the rewards of compassion and wisdom. In this episode Pawo talks about cultivating the change that matters.
To check out Pawo's 28 Day Meditation Series on Teachable go to and enter the code; STARTNOW for $20 off.

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
”Spiritual Procrastination”
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
In this episode Pawo is talking specifically about your daily meditation practice. It is the first month of the new year have you set any priorities or resolutions? What are your goals for shaking off what has been holding your down? What is getting in your way? What is it going to take to relieve this daily condition? Let's talk about it.
Check out Pawo's new 28-Day Meditation Transformation at It's only $39 and you can do it over and over as many times as you want.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
”Happy New You!”
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
In this episode of the Backyard Buddhist Podcast Pawo talks about bringing ourselves to a constant state of awareness as we begin this new year. Altars and offerings are a common practice but what about offering everything in our experience up to our awakened awareness? There is Dharma when others show us exactly where we are stuck. By doing or saying something that provokes us to get "hooked" into a habitual way of reacting with anger, greed and dissatisfaction. We receive the living, breathing gift of the chance to work directly, honestly and compassionately with our own patterns. Remember that without being provoked by others you may remain ignorant to painful habits and reactions and cannot train to transform them into the path of awakening. Happiest New Year!

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
”Oh Buddha Tree, Oh Buddha Tree”
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Our gift to the world is a robust practice of altruistic generosity, ethical self-discipline, compassionate patience, joyous effort, concentrated awareness and the wise and loving actions that result. Tis the season for giving and what better gift than one of kindness and inclusion for all beings. Cultivating a practice of insight, awareness and compassion each and every day is shared with everyone everyday not just for the holidays. The greatest gift to give are the wings of wisdom and compassion. May the efforts of your practiced awareness in this very important moment benefit countless beings in every direction and without prejudice.

Meditate with Ronn Pawo McLane
Meditation is one of the most powerful and practical things you can ever learn. It's surprisingly simple - you can do it anywhere, any time and you will see instantaneous benefits. It is as simple as paying attention to your own breath wherever you are. Nobody even needs to know that you are doing it and suddenly you find yourself calming down and more focused. Check out